
I’m an evolutionary biologist. I write about evolutionary science – past, present, and future – and some of the goings-on in the life of a scientist. (I’m also a professor at Michigan State University, but this blog expresses my opinions only; the posts are not endorsed by my employer or anyone else.)

If you’re wondering about the blog’s name, Telliamed Revisited, follow these links to three of my posts:

You can also follow me on Twitter, where my handle is @RELenski.


8 responses to “About

  1. Good to see you blogging. Your RSS feed (yes, people still use RSS) was a bit hidden – but I found it here: feed://telliamedrevisited.wordpress.com/feed

    Also – are you on Twitter?

  2. It would be great if you could add a subscribe button to your blog!

  3. At one time (40 years ago) I taught high school math, chemistry, and physics – the easy stuff. One year I was asked to teach biology which I did for two years – not so easy. When we got to evolution I took a different approach and assigned the class a project to determine how old the Grand Canyon was. We set up a rock tumbler and let it run for a week then from the weight loss and volume of the Grand Canyon the students made some back-of-the-envelope calculations. They ranged over a few magnitudes, but all agreed it was REALLY old. Points were made by some that assumptions had been made such whether our selection of rocks was representative of the Grand Canyon and whether the canyon was carved by water or by uplifting or both. But at the end the students had a much better idea of how science tackles big questions, such as evolution. Were I still teaching biology, I certainly include LTEE as part of the curriculum.

  4. Philip Minchom

    Just came across you and would be very happy to come back. However: a couple of practical points:-
    1. Pale blue text (links) on a bright white background is hard to read (in conjunction with Anno Domini). A definite put-off.
    2. Similarly, the main font used is not ideal for reading on a monitor screen. Better would be an uncluttered font such as Ariel or similar.

  5. Elena

    Hello! I found your blog while researching one of my relatives, Dr. Monte Lloyd, and wanted to know more about Dr. JoAnn White, who, if I’m not mistaken, he married? She seems like an incredible scholar and researcher, and as I’ve been hard-pressed to find more info about her, other than your blog post, I wondered if you knew where she ended up after leaving academia. Please let me know.

    • I wish I could provide more information about Dr. JoAnn White. As I recall, she had grown up in Little Rock. After leaving UNC (despite having been awarded tenure!), she went to law school. I think she intended to practice environment-related law. I think she and Monte settled in New Orleans, but I’m not sure. I’ve also tried finding out more using web searches, but come up empty. If you learn more or contact her, I’d appreciate an email with any information.

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