The Dechronization of Sam Magruder

Dechronization means time travel.  Think of synchronization as joining two things in time.  Now decouple them, and you have the idea of time travel.

The word dechronization is a neologism coined by the paleontologist George Gaylord Simpson (1902-1984).  But he did not use the word in the context of his research.  Instead, he coined the word for a short science fiction novel that he wrote, which was only published posthumously, in 1996, after his daughter discovered it years later.

The novel is called The Dechronization of Sam Magruder.  It’s about a “research chronologist” working on quantum theory.  In the year 2162, an experiment goes awry and Magruder finds himself back in the age of dinosaurs.  While struggling to survive, he keeps a diary (stone tablets, of course) and wonders whether he should interfere with future history by helping the scurrying little mammals – perhaps his own ancestors! – avoid being devoured by the dinosaurs.  Being a smart guy, Magruder leaves his tablets in fossil-prone sites where future scientists will be more likely to find them … which they do.

It’s a fun read, especially if you’re interested in quirky old books that have something to do with how scientists and philosophers think about the world.

If you find yourself in the possession of an autographed copy of The Dechronization of Sam Magruder, there are three possibilities.  Simpson really did figure out time travel … or it’s a forgery … or else I signed it*.

The book is readily available from on-line used-book sellers, and for only a few bucks in pristine condition.  The book has an introduction penned by Arthur C. Clarke and an afterword by Steven Jay Gould.  But perhaps the hideous dust jacket scared people away?

*I gave the presidential address at this summer’s meeting of the Society for the Society of Evolution, and I titled my talk “The Dechronization of E. coli: A 25-Year Love Story.”  I began with a quiz about what founding member of the society had written a science fiction novel.  Before I could even offer the first of several hints I had prepared, two graduate students simultaneously called out the answer.  The prize was Simpson’s book (luckily I had brought two copies), and I autographed one student’s copy.


Filed under Old Books

3 responses to “The Dechronization of Sam Magruder

  1. Pingback: Relativistic Linguistics | Telliamed Revisited

  2. I read this book many years ago, and I too found it enjoyable. I wonder if it could be made into a movie….